Hey Scary

I just wanted to let you know you are an awesome man, your message needs to be heard by so many more.
I want to post/favorite your videos here in the chance that someone will stumble upon them, the way I have & think a little bit different

I watched about all your videos & found out about you quite a few years back.
My forehead chin neck arms scalp chest etc are fully tattooed & colorful like yours & most
people believe it or not ha actually are really cool for the most part to me about it.

When some ones not or when people don’t understand I try to set a positive example by making them see I’m no different…
I just look different, more colorful, people will say to me that I’m scary at times too even but it doesn’t bother me.
I did my tattoos in a way that I don’t see how they could feel that way but then again I think I’m a bit more open minded than most.

I talked to you on myspace a few years back when I was on there.
I’d love to be able to meet you one day give you a big bear hug & just to tell you what an impact
you have had & how wonderful you are.

I will remember your message always!!!
Much love scary you are the man, keep up the good fight!

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